Size 100 Assays
Alternate Name TUNEL assay
Tag Line Non-antibody based assay for the detection of apoptotic cells
Storage -20°C
Shipping Gel Pack
Detection Method Flow cytometer w/lasers capable of excitation at 488 and 530/590 nm emission filters respectively
Category TUNEL Assay
Species Reactivity All
Sample Type Cell culture
Kit components EZClickTM Total DNA Stain (1000X),EZClickTM Wash Buffer (10X),Permeabilization Buffer (10X),Reducing Agent (20X),EZClickTM Fluorescent Azide (100X),Fixative Solution,EZClickTM EdUTP DNA Label (50X),TUNEL Enzyme Buffer,EZClickTM TUNEL Reaction Buffer
Applications Detection of DNA fragmentation during apoptosis and programmed cell death,Evaluating effects of anti-cancer drugs and genotoxic agents on DNA structure,Screening for genotoxic compounds and effectors of DNA integrity and cellular changes,In-situ stud
Features & Benefits Does not require antibodies, avoiding lengthy incubation times and does not require washes,Specific, sensitive,Compatible with Flow Cytometry and Fluorescence Microscopy instruments