Product Description
Nylon syringe filters provide a universal application for analytical procedures. It is naturally hydrophilic, high protein binding and high dirt loading capability of Nylon are natural advantages. Hydrophilic Nylon offers good chemical resistance and are most ideal for aqueous (non-acidic) or organic sample preparations, hplc, GC or dissolution sample analysis. With its efficient flow characteristics, low extractable levels and mechanical stability, Nylon is the best combination of physical parameters to satisfy essentially the most rigorous analytical needs. These are nonsterile filters that are available in a resealable storage container to prevent contamination during multiple opening and closings.
Biovision | M4279 | Nylon Syringe Filter, 0.45 µm, 13 mm, Nonsterile DataSheet
Sort Name: Nylon Syringe Filter, 0.45 µm, 13 mm, Nonsterile
Label Name: Nylon Syringe Filter, 0.45 µm, 13 mm, Nonsterile
Taglines: Luer-Lok/Luer Slip
Product Highlights: N/A
Packaging: N/A