Product Description
Oncostatin M (OSM) is an important growth regulating cytokine that affects, variably, a number of tumor and normal cells. Oncostatin M exerts inhibitory effects on the growth of A375 melanoma and other cellos, but augments the growth of normal fibroblasts, AIDs-related Kaposi sarcoma cells, and certain other cells. Recombinant Human Oncostatin M is a 26 kDa protein containing 227 amino acid residues.
Biovision | 4466 | Oncostatin M human recombinant DataSheet
Biomolecule/Target: Oncostatin M
Synonyms: OSM, MGC20461, Oncostatin M.
Alternates names: Protein A/G/L
Taglines: A pleiotropic cytokine important in liver development, haematopoeisis, inflammation and possibly CNS development
NCBI Gene ID #: N/A
NCBI Gene Symbol: N/A
Gene Source: N/A
Accession #: N/A
Recombinant: Yes
Source: E. coli
Purity by SDS-PAGEs: 95%
Purity: 95%
Assay #2: HPLC
Endotoxin Level: <0.1 ng/g
Activity (Specifications/test method): N/A
Biological activity: N/A
Results: N/A
Binding Capacity: N/A
Unit Definition: N/A
Molecular Weight: 101.0 kDa
Concentration: N/A
Appearance: Lyophilized protein
Physical form description: Lyophilized with no additives
Reconstitution Instructions: Reconstitution in HO to a concentration of 10 mg/ml gives a clear solution.
Amino acid sequence: N/A