Product Description
Post-translational modification of proteins by ubiquitin (Ub) is a key regulatory process that impacts almost all cellular functions. Apart from the established role of Ub in protein degradation, it is implicated in cell signaling, DNA damage response, protein trafficking, cell-cycle progression, inflammation, immune response and regulation of apoptosis. Ubiquitylation occurs through isopeptide linkage between the C-terminus of Ub and the e-amino group of a lysine (Lys) residue on the target substrate. Ub itself has seven Lys residues (6, 11, 27, 29, 33, 48, and 63), any of which can participate in further ubiquitylation, generating polyUb chains. Monitoring the ubiquitylation of target proteins or the growth of polyubiquitin chains has traditionally been carried out with either radiolabeled or epitope-tagged ubiquitin requiring long and laborious detection methods. Fluorescently labeled ubiquitin provides a rapid, facile technique for studying ubiquitin conjugation in vitro. Unlike others, BioVisions fluorescein-labeled ubiquitin carries a single fluorescein molecule attached at a defined location and avoids modification of either the N-terminus or Lys side chains.
Biovision | 7552 | Ubiquitin-Fluorescein-labeled FLR-Ub DataSheet
Biomolecule/Target: Ubiquitin
Synonyms: UBB, Ribosomal Protein S27a, CEP80, UBA80, UBCEP1, UBCEP80, HUBCEP80, RPS27A.
Alternates names: UBB, Ribosomal Protein S27a, CEP80, UBA80, UBCEP1, UBCEP80, HUBCEP80, RPS27A.
Taglines: Substrate to determine the activity of ubiquitin conjugating enzymes
NCBI Gene ID #: 22338
NCBI Gene Symbol: VEGFA
Gene Source: N/A
Accession #: Q00730
Recombinant: N/A
Source: N/A
Purity by SDS-PAGEs: 98%
Assay: RP-HPLC
Purity: N/A
Assay #2: N/A
Endotoxin Level: N/A
Activity (Specifications/test method): N/A
Biological activity: Determined by the mitogenic activity on human mbilical vein endothelial cells and bovine aortic endothelial cells. Mitogenic activity was obtained for stimulation of 3H-thymidine incorporation and cell proliferation in a concentration range of 1.0 to 5.0 ng/ml.
Results: N/A
Binding Capacity: N/A
Unit Definition: N/A
Molecular Weight: 39.0 kDa
Concentration: 8 mg/mL
Appearance: Liquid
Physical form description: 8 mg/mL in PBS
Reconstitution Instructions: Reconstitute in HO to a concentration of 0.1-1.0 mg/ml. The solution can then be diluted into other aqueous buffers
Amino acid sequence: N/A