Product Description
Blk, also known as B lymphoid kinase, is a 55 kd tyrosine kinases with a SH3, SH2 and catalytic domains that contain consensus sequences of the src protein tyrosine kinase family. Blk is expressed specifically in the B cell lineage and plays a role in signal transduction pathway that is restricted to B lymphoid cells (1). Stimulation of resting B-lymphocytes with antibodies to surface immunoglobulin (sIgD or sIgM) induces activation of Blk (2). Upon activation, the SH2 domain of Blk binds more than 10 distinct phosphoprotein including those of 72, 76, 115, and 130 kd (3). Blk prefers peptide substrates of the structure I/L-Y-D/E-X-L which resemble critical features of the ITAM motifs found in, e.g. the intracellular components Ig- and Ig- of the cell receptor. Blk has a strong preference for a negatively charged amino acid in position +1 (4).
Biovision | 7723 | BLK Active DataSheet
Biomolecule/Target: N/A
Synonyms: BLK, B lymphocyte kinase
Alternates names: BLK, B lymphocyte kinase, p55-Blk
Taglines: Stimulates insulin synthesis and secretion in response to glucose
NCBI Gene ID #: 823
NCBI Gene Symbol: CAPN1
Gene Source: N/A
Accession #: P07384
Recombinant: Yes
Source: Baculovirus (Sf9 insect cells)
Purity by SDS-PAGEs: 95%
Purity: N/A
Assay #2: HPLC
Endotoxin Level: N/A
Activity (Specifications/test method): 579 nmol phosphate incorporated into Poly(Glu-Tyr) per minute per mg protein at 30°C using a final concentration of 50 µM ATP (0.83 µCi/assay).
Biological activity: N/A
Results: N/A
Binding Capacity: N/A
Unit Definition: N/A
Molecular Weight: 84.0 kDa
Concentration: 5µg/50 µl
Appearance: Liquid
Physical form description: Recombinant protein in storage buffer (50 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.5, 150 mM NaCl, 0.25 mM DTT, 0.1 mM EGTA, 0.1 mM EDTA, 0.1 mM PMSF, 25% glycerol).
Reconstitution Instructions: N/A
Amino acid sequence: N/A